Sunday, April 17, 2011

Another Semester Down...

Well, for all of us here in the YSA 183rd Ward, there is probably bittersweet feelings. Yes, the semester is over for many of us students, but that means that we all will go our separate ways. In an ironic twist of fate, the ward media website is also very ill-named since the name of the ward changed... But that just means we will have to change it for the fall!

During the summer, be sure to pick out some awesome movies, books and music to view, read, and listen to. I myself will be tearing through the 12th book of the Wheel of Time series, and hope to also read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Movies-wise, I really am just looking forward to the upcoming(in a year+) The Hobbit by Peter Jackson. If you haven't had a chance to see some behind the scenes work, here is an awesome 10 minute documentary:

Awesome The Hobbit Preview!

Also, if thanks to everyone who came to the Star Wars Double Trilogy Marathon! I hope to make it an annual thing. Next year, maybe I will do it after finals instead of right before... Ha.

Thanks to all for a wonderful year! Enjoy the summer, and look forward to more awesomeness in P-Town in the fall.


The Admins