Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Month, A Beginning for Movies!

       So, the program of watching and reviewing movies will finally begin! This Saturday, everyone is invited to a movie night in Apartment 62 at 7:00 pm to watch the (edited) film Forrest Gump. A review should be up by the end of the week, as written by Kyle Nelson. To see other movie night selections, just click on the Movie Night link on the left of the page. You can also sign up for the movie nights on this googledoc! Provo Events should be updated for this week, and anyone can feel free to edit and add events as they find them.
         As for me and my house, we watched a film called Bright Leaves this week. It's a documentary following tobacco in North Carolina, and the damaging effects it has had over the last couple centuries. While the message is solid in the movie, it took me a few hours to get through the movie to pause, yawn, nap, etc. So, while it is a good historical film, I would probably not put it on my top 10. Hopefully I have better luck on that this coming week... I also filmed a little short for my Media Arts application, and will post that here soon as well. Have you made any short films? Do you want to share them? Post a comment with a link on here to share with the ward!

(Image from Bright Leaves, copyrighted 2003)

1 comment:

  1. I almost forgot to post my Media Arts application video. Here it is!
